Theory and Practice

Quang Ngai armed forces build “4-goods party cells” according to Ho Chi Minh’s thought

9/16/2024 4:11:28 PM

“Party cells are the Party’s roots in the people. When the party cells are good, all the Party’s policies will be well executed and all work will be made ever-progressive. By contrast, if the party cells are bad, work will not go smoothly”. Being imbued with this saying of President Ho Chi Minh, Quang Ngai Provincial Military party committee has paid attention to building the “4-goods party cells” to make strong changes in improving the leadership capacity and combat power for the party cells and the quality of cadres and party members.

In Ho Chi Minh’s thought, the building of the “4-goods” party cells includes the party members setting good examples in their work and closely contacting with the people, the internality is really united; well following the Party’s guidelines and policies, well leading the production and combat; wholeheartedly serving the people, really taking care of people’s physical and spiritual life; well consolidating and developing the Party. Concurrently, he also reminded us to frankly criticise the party cells which are bad, not exemplary, separated, stay away from the people, and their cadres are bureaucratic. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly rectify the party cells, giving no chance for any subversive elements to take advantage to sabotage the internality. Engraving President Ho Chi Minh’s sayings and seriously grasping the superiors’ regulations and instructions on building the Party, Quang Ngai Provincial Military Party Committee has directed the party committees and party cells to synchronously implement the building of the “4-goods party cells” with some main solutions and contents as follows:

Firstly, building a contingent of good party members who are highly-qualified is defined one of the main contents of Party building and rectifying, and building the party cells. Hence, it is necessary to be more imbued with President Ho Chi Minh’s teachings: “The 4-good party cells are because all their members are good”, all party committees and party cells have intensely built their members both in quantity and quality with the latter as the key. Based on the seniors’ instructions and the assigned political tasks, the party cells have built the detailed criteria and requirements regarding thought, politics, knowledge, competence, moral quality and lifestyle of the party members to meet the demands in the new revolutionary period. To gain effectiveness, all party committees, cells and members have built their annual commitment to self-improve and train with detailed actions; frequently checked and inspected the carrying out of these commitments, taking it as the foundation to make annual evaluation and ranking for the party cells and members, together, conducted the education and training to improve the political theories; timely informed and oriented cadres and party members in dealing with complex and sensitive problems; continued to enhance the learning and following of Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality and style together with implementing Resolution No. 847 by the Central Military Commission and the Campaign of promoting traditions, devoting talents, deserving to be “Uncle Ho’s Soldiers” in the new era; firmly struggled against any degradation manifestations of politics, morality, lifestyle and being remote from the people. At the same time, all party committees and cells have well carried out the task of party member development; so far, the rate of party members has reached 24.22% in the provincial self-defence force and 11% in the reserve, contributing to the improvement of leadership and the combat power on a par with the tasks.

Quang Ngai Provincial armed forces participate in the movement of "building 4-good party cells" in the 2022-2027 period launched by the Provincial Party Committee

Secondly, bringing into play the democracy and well practising the self-criticism and criticism to build the pure and strong party cells. From the reality, in their operation and development, the party cells and units have had misled thoughts creating contradictions; limitations and shortcomings of cadres and party members. Hence, in order to build the good party cells, it is necessary to regularly practise self-criticism and criticism according to Ho Chi Minh’s thought: “Self-criticism and criticism are the sharpest weapons which can make our Party stronger and stronger. Thanks to them, we can repair the weaknesses, develop the strengths, and make progresses”. Accordingly, the Provincial Military Party Committee has directed all party committees and cells to grasp, clearly see and well practise self-criticism and criticism. In the party meetings, it is a must to strictly comply with the rules of organisation and Party meetings based on the political credo, Party Regulations, respecting and protecting the Party’s benefits. The contents of self-criticism and criticism are comprehensive but appreciating the leadership of the party cells particularly over the main fields and the key political tasks; for the party members, focusing on their qualities, morality, lifestyle, leadership style and working methods in doing the assigned tasks; at the same time, bringing into play the roles in building the Party of the mass organisations in the units, local governments and socio-political organisations, and taking advantage of the leadership and direction by the senior party committees in building the pure and strong party cells.

Thirdly, firmly maintaining the rule and improving the quality of party cell meetings. Party cell meetings play an important part in improving the leadership and combat capacity of the party cells. Hence, the Provincial Military Party Committee has required that before the meetings, all party cell committees need to fully prepare the contents due to the Party Regulations; timely concretise the seniors’ guidelines to the reality and tasks of the party cells, and announce the contents to their members beforehand. In the party cell meetings, it is a must to assure the leadership, educativeness, combativeness, and well implement the principles of organisation and party cell meetings, at the same time, frequently renew the leadership methods and working styles of the party cells in the motto of “solidarity, democracy, discipline, responsibility, effectiveness”, “the seniors setting examples, the juniors actively following”; seriously implement Regulation No. 887-QĐ/TU, dated 12 December 2022 by Quang Ngai Provincial Standing Committee on encouraging and protecting dynamic and creative cadres for the common benefits; bring into play the exemplary responsibility of cadres and party members in building the resolutions; well practise the principle of the collective leading, individuals acting, timely solve any arising problems and assure the united, timely and thorough leadership and direction.

Fourthly, bringing into play the roles of the masses in building the party cells. This is an urgent and long-term solution for building the party cells. Following President Ho Chi Minh’s sayings that “The power of the Party lies in the close connection with the people. Bureaucracy and being remote to the people will cause unexpected damages”, the Provincial Military Party Committee has directed the party committees and cells to build the detailed mechanism and regulations so that the masses could proactively take part in building the Party in general and the party cells in particular; regularly care for, mobilise and bring into play the roles of the masses in practising the motto “people know, people discuss, people do, people inspect” for all activities of the party cells, cadres and party members. Together, all party cells in the Provincial Military Party Committee have well practised the learning and following of “Ho Chi Minh’s thought of culture and requirements of building the new culture”, applied and related it to building the Party culture, workplace culture, communication culture and behaviour of cadres and party members in the provincial armed forces; “Ho Chi Minh’s thought of human resources and requirements of building new humans”, applied and related it to building the work and profession ethics of offices and units, and practising the standards of revolutionary ethics by cadres and party members in the present era, etc., at the same time, strictly practised the guideline asking cadres and party members to keep close contact with the people in their living place so that the people could give ideas on building the contingent of cadres and party members; policies and solutions for doing the cells’ political tasks and adding other sources of excellent candidates to the Party.

Fifthly, enhancing the inspection and supervision. In his lifetime, President Ho Chi Minh used to remind us that: “To know whether or not the resolutions have been implemented, who has managed to do and who has not, the only way is to skilfully inspect. Good inspection will reveal mistakes and eventually reduce these mistakes”. Following his teachings, the party committees and cells at all levels have built their leading resolutions on strictly executing the inspection and supervision, making this close and correct, and all party members be under the inspection and supervision of the party cells. The implementation process should be systematic, timely, objective, straight, accurate and in-depth, through this process, to strictly manage cadres and party members who are living and working far from their unit; at the same time, timely discover and punish the members who are degraded in their morality, lifestyle, and corrupted and violating the Party’s principle of organisation and meetings.

Due to the determination in leading and directing the building of the “4-goods party cells” according to Ho Chi Minh’s thought, in recent years, 100% of the cadres and party members in Quang Ngai Provincial armed forces have set good examples of morality and lifestyle, actively struggled against the manifestations of degradation of political ideology, morality, lifestyle, individualism, “self-evolution” and “self-transformation”; strictly complied with the Army’s discipline, the State’s law, the regulations of units and localities, being ready to receive and successfully accomplish all assigned tasks. The party cells have been consolidated and made pure and strong, becoming political nucleus at the grassroots levels. In 2023, 94.4% of the party cells were ranked good and excellent; 97.65% party members have well and excellently accomplished their tasks. These results in building the “4-goods party cells” are the “key” factors to improve the quality of task performance in Quang Ngai Provincial Military Party Committee, especially in the training, combat readiness, exercises, regularity building, discipline management, building the all-strong, “exemplary, typical” unit, meeting the task requirements in the new situation.

Senior Colonel VO TAN TAI, Political Commissar of the Provincial Military Command